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Combat is one of the most frequently asked about parts of Final Factory. To understand Combat, we'll give you an in-depth description of the mechanics and types of attacks you will deal with in Final Factory.
Not to mention the types of attacks you'll be able to use during Combat. Need a refresher on how to use the attacks you're capable of during Combat? We've got the answers for you.
Fleet Combat[edit | edit source]
During Combat, the Player has several abilities they can use to help protect themselves and their fleet. Becoming well versed in using these techniques during Combat will reduce losses and increase damage during fights.
Afterburner[edit | edit source]
Afterburner gives your ship a boost of speed.
Afterburner can be used to avoid dangerous areas, get away from a fight, or just traverse the universe quickly. Afterburner is limited in use and will only last a short time. However you may also purchase more uses of Afterburner with the Celestara Oracle once it has been activated.
Uses the [SPACE] key, unless keybinds are changed.
Plasma Bolt[edit | edit source]
Plasma Bolt fires a bolt along the target trajectory.
Plasma Bolt is a low level attack that can be done by the player. This attack can be upgrade with purchases from the Celestara Oracle once it has been activated. This ability requires no Combat Ships to be used.
Uses the [C] key, unless keybinds are changed.
Frenzy[edit | edit source]
Frenzy requires Bats. Bats go into a frenzy in the target area, dealing massive damage and dodging attacks.
Frenzy attack has 4 Bats rushing back and forth to hit the enemy, using the body of their ship.
Uses the [V] key, unless keybinds are changed.
Guardian[edit | edit source]
Guardian requires Knights. A group of Knights will shield the targeted location, blocking enemy projectiles and movement.
Knights will surround the point that is targeted with four shields and four Knights that will attack that point, whether it's a spawner or a bunch of enemies.
Uses the [B] key, unless keybinds are changed.
Obliterator Disk[edit | edit source]
Obliterator Disk requires Krillos. Krillos come together to form a massive disk of energy that will fire in a target direction, destroying anything in it's path.
Uses the [N] key, unless keybinds are changed.
Combat Mechanics[edit | edit source]
Another important part of Combat, is knowing how to use the resources available to you to defend your base area or to take combat to the Urso!
Defense Platforms[edit | edit source]
Defense Platforms create a safety zone for the player. Anywhere that you place a Defense Platform, you can have
Knights or
Krillos attacking nearby enemies. Since these stations have a limited number of slots, plan which Combat Ships you use carefully. Towards the center of your base, you may only need bats to come to the aid of other stations.
Laser Turrets[edit | edit source]
Laser Turrets will attack nearby enemies, using whatever structure or item you give it for fuel. Each item in the Items and Recipes page lists a fuel time of how long that type of fuel will burn for. Make sure to have plenty of fuel on hand for these during attacks. If you're on the hardest mode, you may want to have plenty of these along with your Combat Ships.
Mobile Stations[edit | edit source]
Using Command Cores and
Rocket Adapters, the player can make Mobile Stations that will be able to move around your base or anywhere. Adding
Defense Platforms and
Laser Turrets, you can create a mobile army capable of taking out enemies far from your base, or close by. Make sure to check out the Builds page for some great Mobile Station builds.
Comet Catchers[edit | edit source]
While Comet Catchers may not seem like a Combat Mechanic, they can actually prove fatal to any ship that gets too close. This includes your own ships and enemy ships. So think about where you place your Comet Catchers, and maybe include them in your defensive builds.