Official Final Factory Wiki
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Networked Storage Hold

From Official Final Factory Wiki
Networked Storage Hold
Networked Storage Hold.png
Networked Storage Hold Stats
Produced in Assembler.pngAssembler
Hitpoints 240
Consumes Power Yes
Consumes Power
Max Power 8 kW
Idle Power 8 kW
Net Stability -4
Total Mass 2848 kg
Singularity Power 1500 kW
Fuel Time 100 s
Networked Storage Hold Inputs
Cargo Hold.png Cargo Hold 2
AI Controller Circuit.png AI Controller Circuit 6
Raw Resources Needed
Silica Ore.png Silica Ore 12
Iron Ore.png Iron Ore 32
Networked Storage Hold Crafting Details
Time to Craft at 100% speed 2.0 s
Items/min at 100% speed 30.0 items/m

Networked Storage Hold is one of the Structures in Final Factory.

It Serves as a storage and can be used to automatically build Structures.

Construction Bot.pngConstruction Bot automatically collect and store items like Structures and Artifacts or any item dropped as a inventory box.

Networked Storage Hold Functions and Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Networked Storage Hold is storing the items that are being input. Construction Bot.pngConstruction Bot stationed at a Construction Tower.pngConstruction Tower are able to take out any Structures and build structures under construction. Also Construction Bot.pngConstruction Bot can pickup any Structures marked for deconstruct or dropped Artifacts and automatically store them inside a Networked Storage Hold. Supply Bot.pngSupply Bots stationed at a Construction Tower.pngConstruction Tower are able to take out any Items and transfer them to a Requester Cargo Hold.pngRequester Cargo Hold if requested by them.

Networked Storage Hold have inventory size of 8 stacks.

Networked Storage Hold Tips[edit | edit source]

List of Tips for mastering the Networked Storage Hold usage and production:

  • Using {{|twi|Provider Cargo Hold}} / Networked Storage Hold and Construction Tower.pngConstruction Tower with a Networked Storage Hold, you can setup a build and the Construction Bot.pngConstruction Bots associated with that tower will keep that structure built, even when destroyed by enemies, so long as there are enough structures stored in the Cargo Hold.

Guides and Builds that use Networked Storage Hold[edit source]

Guides and Blueprints and Builds that use Networked Storage Hold:

Recipes that use Networked Storage Hold[edit source]

Full list items that use Networked Storage Hold as their inputs (press Expand).

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