Official Final Factory Wiki
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From Official Final Factory Wiki
Trident Stats
Hitpoints 30
Damage 2
Range 220
Cooldown 0.5
Projectile Speed 180
Projectile Count 3
Trident Spawner

Trident is one of the Enemies in Final Factory.

Trident is a more advanced enemy and appears further away from the player base. They are being added in the enemy waves once Player's Global Stability reaches (1500).

Trident spawns at a Trident Spawner.

Trident Functions and Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Trident shoots 3 projectiles at its target in a wide arc.

Trident can be deadly for players that rely on Bat.pngBats as a main source of dealing with enemies. They easily dispose of big fleets of weaker ships because of their high DPS [Damage per second] and multiple projectiles shots.

Trident Tips[edit | edit source]

List of Tips for mastering the Trident combat:

  • By the time Trident is being included to the enemy attack waves, it's recommended to have established Defense platforms with Laser Turret.pngLaser Turrets to effectively fight them back.
  • Using Frenzy skill will help Bat.pngBats destroy Tridents and avoid their attacks, but once its duration ends, Bat.pngBats will take heavy damage and might be easily wiped out.
  • Its still possible to kite Tridents by flying away from them and shooting backwards, but it's projectile speed is higher than Stinger.pngStingers, so evading its attacks will be harder.
  • One way to avoid heavy attacks, while taking down Trident is to run in tight circles, allowing your fleet to take them down and then take out the spawners.
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