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Atomic Printer

From Official Final Factory Wiki
Atomic Printer
Atomic Printer.png
Atomic Printer Stats
Produced in Assembler.pngAssembler
Hitpoints 120
Consumes Power Yes
Consumes Power
Max Power 5 kW
Max Temp 102 C
Net Stability -2
Total Mass 2016 kg
Singularity Power 1100 kW
Fuel Time 100 s
Atomic Printer Inputs
Medium Density Structure.png Medium Density Structure 8
Fabricator.png Fabricator 2
Raw Resources Needed
Bauxite Ore.png Bauxite Ore 8
Iron Ore.png Iron Ore 24
Atomic Printer Crafting Details
Time to Craft at 100% speed 1.0 s
Items/min at 100% speed 60.0 items/m

Atomic Printer is one of the Structures in Final Factory.

Atomic Printer Prints intermediate products used in more complex recipes.

It can produce Components from Ores with 50% Production Speed.

Atomic Printer Functions and Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Atomic Printer is a production Station that is focused on basic crafting.

Atomic Printer Tips[edit | edit source]

List of Tips for mastering the Atomic Printer usage and production:

  • Since most recipes call for 2 ores per crafted item, it's a good idea to have 2 for each item you need. This will keep your output from bottlenecking further down the line.

Guides and Builds that use Atomic Printer[edit source]

Guides and Blueprints and Builds that use Atomic Printer:

Large Mining StationBluprints and Builds
Greenhouse Station Stability Optimized RefineryBluprints and Builds
Exploration Center Scouting OutpostBluprints and Builds

Recipes that use Atomic Printer[edit source]

Full list items that use Atomic Printer as their inputs (press Expand).

 IconProduced inInputsTotal MassSingularity Power
Quantum PrinterQuantum Printer.pngAssemblerAtomic Printer
Quantum Computer
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