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Greenhouse Station Stability Optimized Refinery

From Official Final Factory Wiki
Greenhouse Station Stability Optimized Refinery.jpg

Greenhouse Station Stability Optimized Refinery is an efficient Station Build for Organic Compounds.pngOrganic Compounds production from Ice.pngIce inputs in Greenhouse Station.pngGreenhouse Station.
Its optimized for Stability and handles 2 fully saturated Ice.pngIce Connector.pngConnectors

Its recommended to use it along with Ice Catcher Stations for full saturation and easier delivery.

Main Purpose of the Build[edit | edit source]

The main purpose of the Greenhouse Station Stability Optimized Refinery optimal sustained Organic Compounds.pngOrganic Compounds production with lowest Stability drain. Even if the Ice inputs will stop it can be started afterwards as long as ice is coming in.

In order to start it place some Organic Compounds.pngOrganic Compounds in each Greenhouse Station.pngGreenhouse Station and in the Atomic Printer.pngAtomic Printer

It will never drain Atomic Printer.pngAtomic Printer or Singularity Power Station.pngSingularity Power Station even if the supplies will run dry. Set up once and forget. Adding 1 Solar Panel.pngSolar Panel on top of the Logistics Bay.pngLogistics Bay removes the need of manual launching it by putting ice in the Singularity Power Station.pngSingularity Power Station.

Structures used in the Blueprint[edit | edit source]

List of used structures in the Greenhouse Station Stability Optimized Refinery Blueprint:

Structures Used in Greenhouse Station Stability Optimized Refinery
Inserter Bot.png Inserter Bot 16
Cargo Hold.png Cargo Hold 5
Connector.png Connector 12
Greenhouse Station.png Greenhouse Station 5
Radiator.png Radiator 1
Heat Exchanger.png Heat Exchanger 1
Logistics Bay.png Logistics Bay 2
Atomic Printer.png Atomic Printer 1
Singularity Power Station.png Singularity Power Station 3
Station Core.png Station Core 1
Strut.png Strut 5
Armor Block.png Armor Block 51
Base Stability
Blueprint Stability 216

Greenhouse Station Stability Optimized Refinery Blueprint[edit | edit source]

Copy this Final Factory Blueprint code and paste it in the game using the Ctrl+V to build it. Afterwards use Ctrl+C to select the built blueprint and press "Save New Blueprint" to save it to blueprint list.


Additional Information[edit | edit source]

It is possible to replace Singularity Power Station.pngSingularity Power Station with other power sources, although in that case Stability will be way higher

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