Official Final Factory Wiki
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From Official Final Factory Wiki
Radiator Stats
Produced in Assembler.pngAssembler
Hitpoints 100
Consumes Power No
Consumes Power
Net Stability -6
Total Mass 700 kg
Singularity Power 400 kW
Fuel Time 20 s
Radiator Inputs
Ice.png Ice 4
Low Density Structure.png Low Density Structure 8
Raw Resources Needed
Ice.png Ice 4
Bauxite Ore.png Bauxite Ore 16
Radiator Crafting Details
Time to Craft at 100% speed 1.0 s
Items/min at 100% speed 60.0 items/m

Radiator is one of the Structures in Final Factory.

Radiator Attaches directly to Heat Exchanger.pngHeat Exchangers and dissipates a large amount of heat from the grid.

Radiator Functions and Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Radiator is a Station cooling structure.

Radiator must be connected to one of the Heat Exchanger.pngHeat Exchangers connection slots.

Each Heat Exchanger.pngHeat Exchanger can have up to 3 Radiators, effectively cooling the station anywhere from 1-16 C/sec.

Radiator Tips[edit | edit source]

List of Tips for mastering the Radiator usage and production:

  • For smaller Stations, having only Radiator is fine to have enough cooling capabilities.
  • Early on its possible to get Ice.pngIce from Comet Fragments

Guides and Builds that use Radiator[edit source]

Guides and Blueprints and Builds that use Radiator:

Large Mining StationBluprints and Builds
Ice Brick BattleshipBluprints and Builds
Greenhouse Station Stability Optimized RefineryBluprints and Builds

Recipes that use Radiator[edit source]

Full list items that use Radiator as their inputs (press Expand).

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