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Organic Compounds

From Official Final Factory Wiki
Organic Compounds
Organic Compounds.png
Organic Compounds Stats
Mined from Comets, Greenhouse Station
Total Mass 60 kg
Singularity Power 60 kW
Fuel Time 2.4 s

Organic Compounds is one of the Raw Resources in Final Factory.

Early game Organic Compounds can be mined from Comet Fragments.

Organic Compounds Functions and Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Organic Compounds isn't widely available in early game, so players need to explore and harvest Comets to get Organic Compounds.

Organic Compounds Tips[edit | edit source]

List of Tips for mastering the Organic Compounds usage and production:

  • Organic Compounds can be mined from Comet Fragments starting at any point in the game, which makes it easy to have a stock of it ready to use when starting to make Greenhouse Station.pngGreenhouse Stations.
  • When creating more Organic Compounds through Greenhouse Station.pngGreenhouse Stations, some Organic Compounds will need to be redirected to an Atomic Printer.pngAtomic Printer to make Biological Substrate.pngBiological Substrate to keep the Greenhouse going.

Guides and Builds that use Organic Compounds[edit source]

Guides and Blueprints and Builds that use Organic Compounds:

Recipes that use Organic Compounds[edit source]

Full list items that use Organic Compounds as their inputs (press Expand).

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