Official Final Factory Wiki
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Urso Citizen

From Official Final Factory Wiki
Urso Citizen
Urso Citizen.png
Urso Citizen Stats
Mined from Terra World
Total Mass 90 kg
Singularity Power 95 kW
Fuel Time 2.4 s

Urso Citizen is one of the Raw Resources in Final Factory. Urso Citizen are the inhabitants of the universe you just entered.

Urso Citizen can be abducted from Terra World using an Abduction Machine.pngAbduction Machine by flying it over the planet as a Mobile Station

Urso Citizen Functions and Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Urso Citizen is one of the end game items and is essential for the production of Singularity Engine.pngSingularity Engine.

Urso Citizen Tips[edit | edit source]

List of Tips for mastering the Urso Citizen usage and production:

Guides and Builds that use Urso Citizen[edit source]

Guides and Blueprints and Builds that use Urso Citizen:

Recipes that use Urso Citizen[edit source]

Full list items that use Urso Citizen as their inputs (press Expand).

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