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Exploration Center Scouting Outpost

From Official Final Factory Wiki
Exploration Center Scouting Outpost.jpg

Exploration Center Scouting Outpost is a small Station Build for Exploration Center.pngExploration Center to reveal the fog around it and keep the map clean.
Minimalistic design that will run Exploration Center.pngExploration Center on the bare minimum just to make it work.

Main Purpose of the Build[edit | edit source]

The main purpose of the Exploration Center Scouting Outpost is to reveal the map around the base and keep Exploration Center.pngExploration Center running without overheating.

Its a very simple and cheap station that can be constructed in masses to make sure that fog wont get too close to the base.

Although its worth mentioning that on harder difficulties Global Stability that's being added by Exploration Center Scouting Outpost doesn't worth it, since multiple outposts will add up and result in serious Global Stability add, which will end up in tougher more frequent enemy waves.

Structures used in the Blueprint[edit | edit source]

List of used structures in the Exploration Center Scouting Outpost Blueprint:

Structures Used in Exploration Center Scouting Outpost
Exploration Center.png Exploration Center 1
Heat Exchanger.png Heat Exchanger 1
Atomic Printer.png Atomic Printer 1
Solar Panel.png Solar Panel 3
Strut.png Strut 1
Base Stability
Blueprint Stability 20

Exploration Center Scouting Outpost Blueprint[edit | edit source]

Copy this Final Factory Blueprint code and paste it in the game using the Ctrl+V to build it. Afterwards use Ctrl+C to select the built blueprint and press "Save New Blueprint" to save it to blueprint list.


Additional Information[edit | edit source]

It is possible to remove 1 Solar Panel.pngSolar Panel to lower its stability drain, but vision radius will be a bit lower in that case.

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